For me, the biggest thing about self-teaching is putting the knowledge into practice. When I put things into practice I understand them not only on an intellectual level but on experiential - information becomes know-how. (most of the times)
Once I understand I want to learn about something sometimes its hard to find “how to materials” because it internet is full of information and it’s difficult for me to pick up what’s right and what’s not especially if there are some contradictions in forums or articles… besides that different solutions work for different people as well.
Creating a study/working/writing even meditation/relaxing environment is an important aspect for me as well. I realized that having a specific area/place where I can work increases my time there and my productivity as well. I’ve read this article recently on designing your environment.
Writing and reviewing helps me as well, it’s similar to putting things into practice you are getting a better sense of the thing you learn for example if I am reading about mindfulness & meditation I will write a post afterward interpreting what I’ve read and that way it sticks to my head.
Making mistakes “fail early, fail often” I am adopting this growth mindset where I learn from my mistakes. I see my goal as a target and every mistake I made I consider it calibration to reach that target, so it is basically not a mistake but an insight or a lesson.
Any tips on finding how to find materials/relevant info, setting deadlines and measurering of progress?