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When does video work for online education?

An engineering prof who dropped online video from her MOOC:

Quality learning is happening without them, because we combine learning pathways, instructional scaffolding, interactive computing with our IPython Notebooks, and independent student work.

Doing is learning.

And save video for what it’s good for:

Institutions like the UK’s Open University have for decades been researching the best uses of video, including to show complex (or expensive, or dangerous) experiments; to illustrate ideas using slow-motion, fast camera or animation; to substitute for a field visit; and to demonstrate techniques or mechanical skills.

This is consistent with some research published by EdX ( consistent with the Source Thesis ), challenging some teacher-centric ideas that just moving teaching online works:

  • Videos produced with a more personal feel could be more engaging than high-fidelity studio recordings.
  • Khan-style tablet drawing tutorials are more engaging than PowerPoint slides or code screencasts.
  • Even high quality pre-recorded classroom lectures are not as engaging when chopped up for a MOOC.
  • Videos where instructors speak fairly fast and with high enthusiasm are more engaging.
  • Students engage differently with lecture and tutorial videos